Project Directors: Justin Earl Grant & Alexander Squier
Photo credict: Alan Barber
To celebrate the line as an essential conceptual element in the visual arts, a year of exhibitions will take place in Sabine Street Studios, part of theSawyer Yards located in the established Arts District Houston.
For this, a new exhibition space called East Corridor Gallery, or ECG, will be inaugurated in 2023. This new exhibition space will be destined exclusively for the exhibition of artists whose work emphasizes the conceptual element of the line and its many facets.
Artists and creators will be challenged to think of the many shapes a line can take, as well as it’s emotions and meanings.
All events is free and open to the public.
LOCI: Varied Expressions of Lineis a group exhibition bringing together a group Houston artists working in a variety of media including photography, painting, sculpture, installation, poetry, drawing and printmaking. Lorena Morales, Daniela Koontz, XZZX, Alberto Careaga, Linda Eve Diamond, Tina Hsu, and Sandra de la Rosa each bring their own sense of composition, color, and weight to bear in creating new contexts for us consider the use of line.
HOLLY LYN WALRATH: Poetry Between the Lines
Photo credict: Alan Barber
March 25 – May 30, 2023
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 8, 2023 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Erasure Poetry Workshop: The artist will conduct an erasure poetry workshop where attendees can create their own poems. Tuesday, April 18, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Taking place during National Poetry Month in April, Poetry Between the Lines is an exhibition of large- scale erasure poems. Erasure or blackout poetry is a type of found poetry created by taking an existing text and “erasing” or blacking out words on the page. The remaining words form a poem. Using a variety of books, Walrath’s visual poem-paintings explore the use of line in art, architecture, design, and poetry.
Holly Lyn Walrath is a poet living in Houston, Texas. She is the author of several books of poetry including Glimmerglass Girl (2018), The Smallest of Bones (2021), and Numinous Stones (2023). She holds a B.A. in English from The University of Texas and a Master’s in Creative Writing from the University of Denver.
COREY SHERRARD: Songbook for Black Constellations
Photo credict: Alan Barber
May 27 · July 8, 2023
Collaborating with local Curator William Baldwin, The proposition for this exhibition is to expand the body of work showcased in “Songbook for Black Constellations” as it continues to develop and evolve. On display will be painted works on panels and/or drawings on paper showing the mapping experiments developed by Sherrard. Accompanying these works will be musical compositions by the artist directly informed by the displayed work. Elements such as color could be explored in new works, expanding the methodology for both visual mapping and sound arrangement. There is even potential for time-based work in which mapped visualizations are animated and shown with corresponding music via video.
Community activity: Live performance of the musical compositions in collaboration with local musicians.
Photo credict: Alan Barber
July 22 · September 9, 2023
“Diary of an Abductee” explores the line between dream/imagination and reality. Through his dreams, the artist lives a vivid experience of being abducted. When he wakes, he is compelled to document his experience. The diary is a form of storytelling. It is a coping mechanism adjusting imagination to reality. The lines represent dream REM frequencies. The dreams are so intense that the REM frequencies are expressed through drawings.
Community activity: Live Figure Drawing Theater.
AROHI RANADESeptember 23 · November 18, 2023
A Site-Specific installation “Interconnections” consists of 67 unique digital photomontages series painted, embroidered, woven, and interconnected with strings as part of the artist on-going practice.
Community activity: Weaving class and workshop. The primary goal of this activity is to raise awareness about the art of weaving as a creative and relaxing activity.
Betirri Bengtson, Fernando Moguel & Art ChavezOctober 19, 2023
Panel Discussion: Betirri Bengston, Fernando Moguel, Art Chavez. Moderator Justin Earl Grant
The importance of the “line” as a conceptual as well as practical element in the design and construction of buildings, public spaces, city planning, with an emphasis on Houston city planning, parks, public spaces, road ways.
CELEA GUEVARADecember 2, 2023 · January 13, 2024
CELEA GUEVARA: Linocut Series
Inspired by the Garifuna culture; in this body of work the artist incorporates aspects of the Folklore, cuisine and common everyday activities of people in my community.
“Is my intention to explore the concepts and notion of Identity using the linocut technique. I am also willing to accommodate artist talk and teach my processes. The ultimate goal of my work is to be able to bring a message of love, peace and unity among the human race constructing buildings that leads to a better tomorrow for all.”
Community activity: Artist Talk “Identity using the linocut technique”.